Jimmy Egypt & Sons
Stagg 17 Keys Professional Kalimba
Stagg 17 Keys Professional Kalimba
Stagg 17 Keys Professional Kalimba
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LIST PRICE    £57.50
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Product Description

The kalimba is an African musical instrument consisting of a wooden board with attached staggered metal tines, playing by holding the instrument in the hands and plucking the tines with the thumbs. The kalimba is classified as part of the lamellaphone family, and part of the idiophone family of musical instruments.

The instrument is perfect for any age range as it’s easy to use and learn. It’s beautiful solid wood body creates comforting warm tones. With it’s compact size and simplicity, it’s an instrument that will cultivate anyone’s musical talent. Lightweight and portable so you can make music anywhere. The metal keys are mounted on a wooden box that acts as the resonating chamber. As you play you can uncover and cover the vibrato holes as you like to create personalized tones.


Material: Mahogany
Tines: Steel
Resonating box with sound hole on front and back board
17 diatonic keys (C4 - E6)
Included: Protection bag, tuning hammer, key sticker
Dimensions: 110x135x185x30 mm (4.33x5.31x7.28x1.18")
Weight: .300 g (0.66lb)

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