Jimmy Egypt & Sons
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Seymour Duncan Yngwie Malmsteen YJM Speed Pot 500K
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LIST PRICE    £36.00
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The perfect volume pot for the guitarist who wants fast, dynamic phrasing control.

Product Description

With a specially designed, minimal resistance pot, Seymour Duncan's High-Speed Volume pot can go from zero to ten volume almost three times as quickly as conventional pots! 


When Yngwie Malmsteen turned to Seymour Duncan to improve and refine his pickups the YJM Fury Signature Model for Strat, it made sense to refine another important part of his playing, his volume potentiometer.

With his highly refined technique and exacting attention to sound, Yngwie employs the volume pot to take complete control of his phrasing dynamics. He uses his pinkie finger to flip the volume on and off for dramatic, lightning-fast starts and stops. That’s why Yngwie’s YJM High-Speed Volume Potentiometer contains a minimal-viscosity lubricant for fast-action potentiometer turns.


At its core, the YJM High-Speed Volume Pot is a high-quality 500k bourns potentiometer customized for Yngwie’s playing needs. The split-shaft design of the post can accommodate a variety of knobs

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Seymour Duncan
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