Jimmy Egypt & Sons
Jimmy Egypt Figure

Fixing Binding on a Gibson Les Paul

We see a lot of poor refrets….but we can usually repair the poor workmanship. This was a bit different. Not many repairers have the skill to refret a bound fingerboard guitar without damaging the binding…so why bother?…let’s just sand the nibs of the binding off!…now that’s much easier…isn’t it? The guy who previously refretted this Gibson Les Paul only replaced 5 frets…but he removed the binding nibs on these first 5 frets. We had to decide when asked to carry out a full refret on this guitar whether to remove all the remaining nibs so the complete neck and frets would be refretted similarly…..but we only considered that for 5 seconds…that wouldn’t be the proper job AND it’s far too easy…so we decided to replace the missing nibs and return the guitar to factory correct condition. Tricky but certainly worthwhile!